It Started With An End

The look for this identity arose from a set of boards that I produced for another CMT project a few months prior. 
Here's the full story...

In February of 2016, CMT invited me to pitch a look for their annual Music Awards.  I recently became enamored with the idea of found objects and the personal power that they hold.  Every object carries with it stories that are both shared and individual.  Around that time, I discovered an amazing non-profit in Nashville called Turnip Green.  They specialize in the creative re-use of materials, and I immediately saw potential in their eclectic inventory. 

I quickly crafted the concept of showing CMT's fun and diverse vibe through nostalgic tokens of one's vibrant youth.  Once hours of painting had passed, I did a shoot at my friend Jonathan's studio and immediately started assembling assets into my deck.

I wanted to use a vibrant color palette that would contrast the stark photography.  Organic gradients were employed to disrupt the order of the practical elements and add a 'party' atmosphere the design.  As part of my pitch, I assembled a quick motion test to show how the elements could exist in the social space.
New Life

Ultimately, a more geometric design was approved for Music Awards, but I was still very excited about my pitch.  In August, I returned to CMT while they were developing new network IDs to showcase the spirit of the brand.  I was asked to revive my deck from Music Awards, and was excited to breathe new life into this project.

I was able to reuse a lot of my original photography for this next iteration, but since the identity required footage, I arranged a new shoot with a diverse range of talent.  It was critical that I match the lighting from the original set. 

Once the footage was gathered, I started developing the look of the final resolve.  We experimented with several color treatments that could cut successively, but ended up featuring the sunglasses as a container for the logo.
Having done a lot of CG work in the past, it was critical for me to make something that was uniquely handmade.  It was very important to me to make something outside of my comfort zone.  Even the pullback for the final logo resolve is a tracked camera move that I shot handheld.  The only post work done to the footage was mild color correction, slight rotoscoping for tinted elements, and prop placement for the final resolve. 
I always enjoy working with my friends at CMT because they embrace the creative process and always trust their designers to make something special.

Thank you so much for following along on my journey.

David Bennett - Sr. Director, CMT On-Air Design
Shawna O'Neil - Sr. Project Manager, CMT On-Air Brand Creative
Mark Walczak - Design, Direction, Animation, Props, Photography
Jonathan Richter -  Studio Owner, Gaffer, Production Assistant
Jim Parker - Audio
Ali Foley - Casting, Production Assistant

CMT: Network ID

CMT: Network ID

This is the story of how one pitch evolved into a network identity.
