Below is a disintegration effect I made using Houdini.
Below is a miniature set of Tracy Island from Thunderbirds I made out of paper mache. I used the miniature along with a 3D model of Thunderbird 1, the use of a motion controlled camera and motion tracking to composite the shot. Software used were 3ds Max, Photoshop and Nuke.
I plan to change the compositing of this motion controlled shot of the miniature using Maya. This will make for better water and sky, and I will also be able to texture and light the Thunderbird model better.
Below are some more examples of camera tracking I did to put 3D objects into a moving shot. The software used were Boujou and Nuke.
For the next videos, I used a still camera and composited objects and people from a greenscreen into the footage. The first video was composited in Nuke and the last in After Effects.
In the video below, I composited multiple versions of the same actor into one scene using Nuke and Adobe Premiere. The scene makes use of the greenscreen for keying and roto, and a motion controlled camera for the camera move.
The next videos show the use of motion capture to add animation to my own rigged character model.
In the video below, I compare three different camera lenses with their capture size and the zoom speed on them.


This folder shows some of my work in special effects and visual effects.
