Various Designs
Concept Art, Ability Designs, Boss Designs
The above picture is the logo that I'm currently using as my profile image.  This was concept art for a top down dungeon-crawler game I was looking into creating which I had named Project: Corruption.  This specific piece was going to be a projectile for the player to use.  It would be constantly spinning as it was thrown, moving in one singular direction and hitting everything in the line in which it was thrown.

The above piece was another projectile for the game idea Project: Corruption.  This was going to be a projectile which the player could throw, and after a set period of time would explode and deal a set amount of damage to enemies in a set area.

The above picture is concept art for a portion of an enemy in the MMO portion of the game Ethos, which myself and some friends in college have been working on.  These hoods act like mimics, with the idea being that they would replace normal hoods until they are being worn by a being.  After a set number of beings have been tricked the hoods "take care" of those wearing them and begin to start a ritual with them.  You would see small villages who have little contact to the outside world be taken over by these beings.

Taig'on The Unclear
Ethos Raid Boss Fight
Taig'on The Unclear is a boss fight design in Ethos.  The pictures below give a walk through of the abilities and the phases of the boss fight in total.  This is a work in progress and is yet to be implemented into Ethos.
This is a fleshed out version of this boss fight, below I have created a link which will take you to other designs I am working on for Ethos as a whole.  Some boss fights, some character designs, and some game mechanic thoughts.
Various Designs

Various Designs

This project holds various designs I have done for games in progress. They include some concept art, some boss designs, and some level designs.
