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Instagram´s colection of artworks inspired on the britsh famous tv Show "Doctor Who" with all the protagonists from 1963 to 2014
William Hartnell, the 1st Doctor (1963 - 1966)
Patrick Thoughton, the 2nd Doctor (1966 - 1969)
John Pertwee, the 3rd Doctor (1970 - 1974)
Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor (1974 - 1981)
Peter Davidson, the 5th Doctor (1981 - 1984)
Colin Baker, the 6th Doctor (1984 - 1986)
Sylvester McCoy, the 7th Doctor (1987 - 1989)
Paul McGann, the 8th Doctor (1996)
John Hurt, the War Doctor (2013)
Christopher Eccleston, the 9th Doctor (2005)
David Tennant, the 10th Doctor (2005-2010)
Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor (2010-2014)
Peter Capaldi, the 12 Doctor (2014-2017)



Instagram´s colection of artworks about britsh tv show "Doctor Who"
