Zun Hoang's profile

I wonder how Hong Kong looks upside down


Who doesn't love a Wong Kar-wai film?

I always thought one minute flies by. But sometimes it really lingers on. Once, a person pointed at his watch and said to me, that because of that minute, he'd always remember me. It was so charming listening to that. But now I look at my watch and tell myself that I have to forget this man starting this very minute.
Days of Being Wild (1990)

It was raining that night. When I looked at her, I suddenly felt like I was a store. And she saw me. Without any warning, she suddenly enters the store. I don't know how long she'll stay. The longer the better, of course.
Fallen Angels (1995)

You like noisy music?
Yes. The louder the better. Stops me from thinking.
You don't like to think? What do you like?
Never thought about it.
Chungking Express (1994)

We’re all unlucky in love sometimes. When I am, I go jogging. The body loses water when you jog, so you have none left for tears.
Chungking Express (1994)

The past is something he could see, but not touch. And everything he sees is blurred and indistinct.
In the Mood for Love (2000)

The harder you try to forget something, the more it will stick in your memory.
Ashes of Time (1994)

Turns out that lonely people are all the same.
Happy Together (1997)

He remembers those vanished years. As though looking through a dusty window pane.
In the Mood for Love (2000)

If memories could be canned, would they also have expiry dates? If so, I hope they last for centuries.
Chungking Express (1994)

I knew we'd never be friends or confidants. We'd let too many chances pass us by.
Fallen Angels (1995)

Every day we brush past so many other people. People we may never meet, or people who may become close friends.
Chungking Express (1994)

Some people you really don't want to get too close to. Find out too much about a person and you lose interest.
Fallen Angels (1995)

Feelings can creep up just like that. I thought I was in control.
In the Mood for Love (2000)

I wonder how Hong Kong looks upside down.
Happy Together (1997)

I wonder how Hong Kong looks upside down

Project Made For

I wonder how Hong Kong looks upside down

Dedicated to Wong Kar-wai. A collection of photos I took on a trip to Hong Kong in 2016.
