Metaphysics / metafysiikka, oil on canvas, 2016
Close my eyes, storm rages / Suljen silmäni ja myrsky raivoaa, acrylic on canvas, 2016
Reprise on Sergei Luchiskin's "Balloon flies away" / Toisinto Luchiskinin "pallo lentää pois" -maalauksesta, oil on canvas, 2016
I keep on moving but my home stays / Minä muutan mutta kotini jää, aquarelle on paper on a canvas, 2015

Although my main course - so to speak - is sculpting, I seldom enjoy painting. With shaky hands and a temper for failures, satisfaction for the result is uncommon. My fascination mostly lies within colours and textures, which also overlaps with the sculpting I occupy myself with. I love mixing colours for hours and hours and usually paint with many opaque layers.

One could point out that my fondness with the contrasts and overlapping of strong and delicate materials and consepts is also visible from my line of painting. I try to achieve something that is both easy and sensitive and at the same time strong and captivating.
Random paintings

Random paintings

My random paintings. Not too good.
