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Zen Internet : Direct Mail Campaign

Zen wanted to reach out to a specific group of prospects to make an impression and arrange a meeting to tell them more about how they could help their business. Zen are a UK Internet provider and pride themselves on the fact that they have dedicated account managers, UK call centres with help desks and offer a very personal service. 

We were asked to create a Direct Mail piece that promoted their human touch. It needed to be premium, feel of value and get noticed.

We created a paper over board, screen printed and block foiled box that housed a useful eco friendly iPad case (that could be used by the recipient or their kids) which once opened had a mock screen with an outline of a hand to prompt you to touch it. 

The heat sensitive ink revealed a tailored, personalised message from the sender at Zen... your new contact. In addition the recipient could visit a bespoke microsite that housed a dedicated video and content for that individual along with a call to action to meet at your nearest coffee house using a pre-coded Google map with directions from your office to it. 

And that’s how you showcase the level of service and human touch that Zen offer above and beyond its competitors.
Zen Internet : Direct Mail Campaign


Zen Internet : Direct Mail Campaign

A heat sensitive direct mail piece to showcase the level of service and human touch you can expect from Zen Internet
