Taiwan Animated History 鄭南榕

Motion Graphics
After Effects


In remembrance of  Zheng Nan-Rong’s contribution for freedom, we made this “Nylon” animation.
It’s talking about the day—— 1989.4.7——which Zheng Nan-Rong committed self-immolation to resist arrest.
We hoped everyone can think about our invaluable “freedom” after watch this animation.

Zheng Nan-Rong is a very important historical figure of Taiwan's democratization and freedom. But in our education, he is rarely mentioned. Therefore, Simpleinfo design team bring in this animation, combined the abstract concept of consciousness and real-life scenarios. We hope this clip can make more people feel his spirit.
【 鄭南榕的簡介 】
       鄭南榕最知名的主張,就是臺灣獨立,他認為主張臺灣獨立,也是言論自由的一部分。因此,他創辦雜誌社的口號,就是「爭取百分之百的自由」。他因為堅持不修國父思想,所以沒有拿到臺大的畢業證書。但他在輔大時(他先讀成大再轉輔大,最後再轉臺大),他在校園公佈欄上公告和葉菊蘭在一起,以阻止其他追求者。後來,他成為作家,為深耕,政治家等黨外雜誌撰稿,並常在立法院旁聽 。之後開始辦雜誌,與陳水扁、李敖一起辦了自由時報周刊,口號就是「 爭取百分之百的自由 」。也曾為了抗議戒嚴,聚集數百人與警方對峙,成功登上國際媒體,後來被關起來數個月。他,也是第一個在演講中支持台灣獨立的人。在當時由於仍然受到戒嚴的規定影響,使得群眾不能夠在公開場合表態支持臺灣獨立;這句話使得鄭南榕成為第一位公開在演講中表態支持臺灣獨立的人士,並且也因此為其建立了一定的名聲。之後他也常常公開提到:「我是一個外省囝仔,我主張臺灣獨立」)在1988年時,他也在時代周刊刊登臺灣新憲法,然而離刊登不到一個月,時代周刊就因為新憲法主張分裂國土,而遭到查禁。不斷的抗爭下,他也被控叛亂,然而他表示:「國民黨不能逮捕到我,只能夠抓到我的屍體。」因此,為了讓大家知道他沒有要逃亡,他自囚於時代雜誌社,買了一張行軍床,加裝鐵窗以及網子,防止催淚彈,桌下放了三桶汽油,粘著一隻打火機。甚至過年時也不離開,讓家庭來雜誌社團圓。後來,警方仍然決定攻堅,鄭南榕則如計畫自焚(註)。這一天,是1989年4月7日,之後也被定為言論自由日。

Deng Nan-jung (鄭南榕) is most famous for his support for Taiwan independence. He argued that with the freedom of speech, people should be free to articulate their support for the Taiwan independence movement. Thus he founded Freedom Era Weekly and declared that "[it was] fighting for 100-percent freedom of speech." He first studied at Cheng Kung University, and then he transferred to Fu Jen Catholic University and later to National Taiwan University. He refused to take the classes on Sun Yat-sen Thought (國父思想) and failed to obtain the diploma from NTU. An interesting incident is that during his university studies, Deng once "declared" in a notice that he was in a relationship with Yeh Chu-lan (葉菊蘭) on a campus bulletin board in order to fence off other suitors.

After completing his courses at NTU, Deng started to write articles for independent political magazines such as Cultivate and The Statesman. During that time, he frequently listened in at the Legislative Yuan. Later with Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and Li Ao (李敖), Deng founded Freedom Era Weekly to "fight for 100-percent freedom of speech" and protested against the martial law with hundreds of other activists in a clash with the police. He was kept confined for several months after the incident but his story made it to international newspapers.

Deng Nan-jung was the first advocate that overtly supported Taiwan independence in public speeches at a time when, under the martial law, a charge of sedition was in place to indict proponents of independence. Deng once stated, "I was born to a family from China, but I support the Independence of Taiwan." This statement made him the very first public proponent of Taiwan independence and built his reputation as an avid activist. In 1988, he published a proposal for a constitution for the Republic of Taiwan in Freedom Era Weekly. Within a month, the magazine was banned for its attempt to incite insurrection.
Deng, after dedicating his life to defending freedom and independence, was charged with sedition. To this he replied, "Kuomintang will not arrest me; they can only arrest my dead body." To make a public announcement that he was not fleeing, he bought a cot and barricaded himself in his magazine office. He barred the windows to protect himself from tear bombs and under his desk lay three cans of gasoline with a lighter attached. Even during the Lunar New Year he stayed there and had a family gathering in the office. In the end, the police decided to break in and Deng, as planned, set himself on fire.* It was the 7th of April, 1989, a day later commemorated as the "Freedom of Speech Day."

*Li Ao believed that "when the police came up, [Deng] threw out a petrol bomb to resist and it made his office very chaotic. Then the house caught fire."

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Client:Simple info
Art : 郭郭 Kuo kuo
Animation : 劉承杰 Jie Liou / 藍庭筠 Tin yun Lan / 夏浩泉 Roy Hsia / 胡家綾 Jia ling Hu
Co-work : 黃省元 Ola Yuan / 官佩萱 Pei - Hsuan Kuan / 黃苡蓁 I-ChenHuang
Music : 超展開音樂 SupremeMusix
VFX : 洪立 Lee Hung

Release : May .2016

Taiwan Animated History 鄭南榕