This is a virtual Reality game, in which some of the well known virtual reality techniques are demonstrated. Like Navigation and Object Manipulation. This game make use of Oculus Rift, and huge tracking system that uses reflected markers. The users wear the Oculus Rift to be immersed in the virtual environment and they can used the tracked controllers (Xbox) to use for object manipulation and Navigation. There are two characters, (1) superman, (2) Theif.
Development Tools
1: Python programming language
2: Avango Framework for Python.
3: Blender for 3D scene.
4: ARD tracking setup with reflected markers.
Physical setup and devices
Bellow are pictures of tracking setup and devices

Oculus Rift with tracking markers
Xbox Controllers with tracking markers, and Oculus Rift with tracking markers too.
Virtual Reality Tracking setup with tracking cameras.
Virtual Reality Game interface and snapshots
Bellow are snapshots of the interfaces of the virtual reality game

Game charactors in two Oculus Rift screens
Superman a game charactor at flying mode.
Game scene which is a maze like city.
Virtual Hand of the charactor from Oculus Rift display view.
Virtual Ray that has grabbed a ston using the tracked controller.
Virtual Reality Game

Virtual Reality Game

This is a virtual Reality game, in which some of the well known virtual reality techniques are demonstrated. Like Navigation and Object Manipulat Read More
