Using anaglyph 3D glasses, I created these posters about Gerrymandering in order to enrage, inform, and motivate viewers.
In the United States, Gerrymandering is a practice in which the political party in charge manipulates the boundaries of their district in order to favor the party they belong to. It dilutes the opposing party's votes and directly impacts the results of elections. 
The first poster is meant to enrage. Without the glasses or looking through the blue lens, viewers get a positive message about voting and democracy - one that they've likely heard all their lives.
Looking through the red lens, the viewer sees a message that they would not be able to see without them - one that describes a different reality of the power of their vote.
The second poster is meant to inform. The facts are able to be read without the glasses, but they must be used to fully understand how the districts were redrawn over the years. 
The final poster is meant to motivate. Actions that people can take in states that are heavily gerrymandered are described. Without the glasses the fist is the dominant image, however when the viewer has the glasses the dominant image changes.


A poster series on gerrymandering using anaglyph 3d glasses that is meant to enrage, inform, and motivate viewers.
