Dream:Black spider web dripping with dew. Caught memories of my life, like flies for dinner. My past strung up dangling in it gossamer threads. Fragile yet strong murky threads holding ghostly memories of my past.  Spider of memory lives in the dark recesses of my mind. She is not a dream catcher but a memory catcher. Dream Date 11/2/2015
Reflection: I often think of my thought as a tangled web of strange associations. Spiders lurk, they weave, they also also suck their victims dry.
Who: spider of mind; Symbol: spider web, dew drops; Action: thoughts; Meditations: threads of my mind, Shel Silverstine poem Spider.
Transparent Walls
Dream: Handful of small three dimensional shapes. Like they were made out of cut and folded paper but they were the size of a thumb tack. Intricate details almost like a star or a snowflake. Hard to have the shapes. The Dream slips to oblivion awhile. Then the pleasure of the word ewebobble rolls around on my tongue. I feel it’s a name. I don’t know to whom or what but it feels good to say. I wake saying it over and over. Slipping back to sleep. Looking out a mask. The smell of herbs try to hide the overwhelming stench of death that surrounds me. Dream Date 1/6/2016
Reflection: This makes me think of origami or game pieces. I use to fold origami. I think i was trying to figure out the folds. This was the first dream. I struggle with speaking or verbalizing new or complex words. Sometimes when I learn a new word I listen to the correct pronunciation and repeated over and over again to wraps my tongue around speaking it. I  think in my dream I made up a strange name. The last part of my dream was during a 10 minute snooze. I felt like I was in a medieval doctors mask. The one that looks like a tengu. The focus of the dream was the space between the flesh and the mask around my face and eyes. How cut off I was from the world. I also felt ill like my experience in a sensory deprivation float. The herbs were trying to mask the overwhelming smell. The visual focus was on the eyes…the light that falls on the face behind the mask. I was thinking deeply of the boy named crow in Murakami’s Kakfa on the Shore before going to bed.
Symbol: Ewebobble?, Tiny shapes, me in a plague doctors outfit; Place: The palm of my hand, Inside a mask  Action: looking, speaking(chanting?), mouth feels, smelling ; Meditations: I have a habit of practicing pronunciation of words.
Not For Sale
Little Dog/Unruly Lion
Dream: A dancing show poodle on a round circus box barking at a pack of lions.The peaceful muslim woman. Crowd jeering at her as she was escorted out.Group dynamics can be positive and they can be negative. A football game crowd cheering at an injured player, throwing trash on the field when their team did bad. The losing team purposely injured the player. Nasty corrosive group mind. Issues with method of Fritz Perls gestalt dream interpretation. Dreamer influenced by the  group mind. Dream Date: 1/10/2016.
Reflection: The yappy fluffy dog controlled the pack of lions. This seem to be a visual commentary on how someone who is shallow can control a group more powerful than them. The way groups were interacting in the news got me thinking a lot about how a persons reactions can change when interacting with other people. How it can exaggerate, influence or bring out actions that people would normally suppress. I don’t like large crowds it drains me. Sometimes I think it is because I reject group think.
Who: Protesting woman at Trump rally, Bangles/Steelers game; Symbol: Poodle and Lions at a circus; Action: Dancing Barking dog, Peaceful resistance, poor sportsmanship and crowd ; Mentations: Slept on the couch(bad sleep), group think, Small dog thought it controlled the lions. My dream group practiced the gestalt method a few days before.
Motel Hell
Lost in the Underground
Time Sink
Hyper Boil Halls


We all have had a dream that has moved us deeply. I’ve been a lucid dreamer for years but rarely spoke of my dreams. Some dreams have changed the Read More
