Gianni A. Sarcone's profile

The Amazing TangraMagic Puzzle

TangraMagic, a new manipulative puzzle for classrooms or just for fun... This unique puzzle is ideal for teaching math basic skills, problem solving and critical thinking in an exciting way! The vanishing geometrical effects will hold juniors and seniors' attention. All the secret of this game is concealed in two numbers: 5 and square root of 7.
TangraMagic is an amazing 10-piece puzzle in a frame. The puzzle consists of a classic Tangram puzzle with three special extra pieces: two L-shaped pieces and a small square.
The game poses two challenges:

Challenge 1: Vanishing area paradox.
Remove the pieces from the frame. Then, replace them without the small square to perfectly fill the rectangular frame again without gaps! (See the illustration below)
Réarrangez les pièces du jeu dans l’espace rectangulaire en omettant la pièce carrée, et sans laisser d’espace vide!
Riordina i pezzi del puzzle nel contenitore rettangolare omettendo il pezzo quadrato, senza lasciare spazi lacunari!
The dimensions of the puzzle seem the same - take a ruler and see for yourself! - Could you explain why this is so?
Les dimensions du puzzle semblent les mêmes, mesurez-les avant et après… Sauriez-vous expliquer pourquoi?
Stranamente, le dimensioni del rompicapo sembrano le stesse, con o senza quadratino! Sapresti spiegare perché?
Below is an animation showing how the miracle occurs:
Challenge 2: Paradoxical figures.
Using only the seven Tangram pieces, form first the white figures, and then their black counterparts. Try to explain why a mystifying small black triangle is missing in the black figure!
Constructions paradoxales
Formez avec les 7 pièces du Tangram une des figures du tableau, en blanc. Puis, celle adjacente, en noir. Expliquez pourquoi il manque une pièce à cette dernière!
Costruzioni paradossali
Con tutti e 7 i pezzi del Tangram devi formare prima una delle figure illustrate in bianco, e poi la sua controparte in nero. Le due figure appaiono uguali in tutto tranne in un particolare che è assente nella seconda figura. Puoi spiegare perché?
A foam version of my TangraMagic puzzle is available from Tarquin Group UK.

I am looking for a game manufacturer able to produce and distribute this outstanding puzzle. You can contact me through my website.

What people think about Tangramagic:
Proving that things that don't drive us insane make us smarter, TangraMagic is a 10-piece foam puzzle in a frame that can be configured into 15 original tangram paradoxes. The basic principle is simple, but don't let that fool you. One of the puzzle pieces is a small square with or without which the puzzle can be assembled. It somehow takes up the same amount of space either way -- if you do it right. Beats us as to how this is possible, but the mathematical principles at work here are worth the challenge for precocious kids. If you can figure this one out, surely Mom will want to contact MIT early.
-- Chris Livesay

A toy enthusiast from New York City
I bought this toy to aid brain damaged patients' rehabilitation of visuospatial skills including spatial relationships, visual perception, and constructional ability. It works out great, and the feel of the foam is very nice. An added bonus is the problem solving ability required to figure out how one configuration requires a 1cm square, and in another that occupies the same total space, the 1cm square won't fit! Very interesting.
The Amazing TangraMagic Puzzle

The Amazing TangraMagic Puzzle

A new magic puzzle that will amaze children and grown-ups alike. Design, simplicity and ingenuity are the ingredients of this enigmatic game. An Read More
