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Jaguar Land Rover Brand Boutique in Munich

For this project, I worked with a copywriter to develop key visuals and headlines for the Jaguar Land Rover brand boutique in Munich, Germany. The brand boutique is a showroom for the cars as well as an space for branded lifestyle events, such as the British Style Week. The key visual had to reflect the key message, “The Home of British Cool.”
Using the motif of the British flag, I developed several visual concepts which reflect the luxury and innovation which is central to the experience of the Jaguar Land Rover Brand.
Double Exposure / Route 1
I created a visual that combines the British flag with images of a winding road, a setting applicable to both brands.
Double Exposure / Route 2
As a second option I combined the British flag with an iconic car from each brand.
Double Exposure / Route 3
This visual combines the flag with a skyline view of Munich. This option offered the potential for a custom key visual for any future brand boutiques in other cities.
Flag out of Cars / Route 4
For this visual I created a British flag out of images of cars seen from above.
Flag out of Tire Tracks / Route 5
A simple but unusual treatment of the flag motif.
Leather stitched Flag / Route 6
A more subtle option, here I created a visual of a flag that has the appearance of fine leather, to reflect the interior of a car and to convey a sense of luxury.
Jaguar Land Rover Brand Boutique in Munich


Jaguar Land Rover Brand Boutique in Munich

Key visual concept development for the Jaguar Land Rover brand boutique in Munich, Germany.
