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Speck Products: Designed for Impact Product Copy

For the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus launch, Speck rolled out a new marketing campaign called Designed for Impact. Our creative guidelines cut each image in half to reflect a beautiful aspect of the design of a case, contrasted with a rough and unfriendly surface that devices so often fall victim to. Here we were able to visually strengthen our protection message, while supporting this with strong copy.

Below is a look at how our Designed for Impact message touched consumers at every step of the purchasing journey, using our best-selling CandyShell Clear case. 
Homepage header.
Homepage product pilgrims.
Individual product page.
Product page image rotation 2.
Product page image rotation 3.
Product page, product education section.
Product page, product features.
Social announcement featuring new Designed for Impact treatment. Also pushed out on Twitter and Instagram.
Banner ads.
Speck Products: Designed for Impact Product Copy

Speck Products: Designed for Impact Product Copy

A walkthrough of our new Designed for Impact messaging from awareness to purchase.


Creative Fields