July, 2012
Treasure Island, which connects to San Francisco via the Bay Bridge, is owned and maintained by the city of San Francisco. What used to be a Navy and Coast Guard base, is now home to several businesses, warehouses, and athletic facilities. However, much of the island has been contaminated with low, yet dangerous enough levels of radiation to have some neighborhoods quarantined and closed off to the public. When I went out here with my brother to take photos, we felt almost as if we were in America's version Chernobyl, with the old, decrepit, run down buildings, abandoned shops and houses, radiation warning signs, etc. I hoped to convey that feeling of abandonment, and ghost-town-ness in my photos. 
Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island, which connects to San Francisco via the Bay Bridge, is owned and maintained by the city of San Francisco. What used to be a Navy Read More
