live/work studios for creative millenials
Project goal: To create a living environment for creative millennials that promotes artistic development and consequently betters career readiness.

Concept: The final design seeks to meet the needs and lifestyle methodology of creative millennials. Often two worlds are merged as one as generation-y finds innovative ways to consolidate the tasks of every day life. This act of merging is further explored as the degrees of connectivity - i.e. the range and manner of which these seperate entities interact.   

With over 8,000 SCAD students and countless local artists occupying Savannah at a time, the city has failed to recognize the individualistic housing needs of emerging artists. Research suggests that the amount of time devoted to personal artistic development directly correlates with the artist’s success rate. This success rate determines Savannah’s creative market, a sub-economy solely dependant on the production and value of art and design. Without the proper catering to this sub-economy, Savannah’s artist community and culture is in danger of dissipating.


Final capstone project to fulfill the requirements for a Bachelor in Fine Arts in Interior Design from the Savannah College of Art and Design.
