2012 - Pesaro Urbino Info Map

Pesaro e Urbino:
Typographies, Bindery, Serigraphies

Concept of a map showing the connections between publishing industries within the province of Pesaro e Urbino. The map shows both every location of each single production site, together with roads, transportations and traveling time.
Opening the leaflet one can see the morphology of the territory and the comparison of traveling times related to car and bus average velocity. Also the average walking time is considered particulary on the close up of the city of Urbino, in which print shop, book bindery and screen printing houses are refereed to with colored dots marks. Developed at ISIA, Urbino, course held by Luciano Perondi.
2012 - Pesaro Urbino Info Map

2012 - Pesaro Urbino Info Map

Concept of a map showing the connections between publishing industries within the province of Pesaro e Urbino. The map shows both every location Read More
