Druid Dreams
 Work in progress by Alex Castro.
"An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world". ~George Santayana

Dear Friends ,

“Druids Dreams,” is a composition of a young girl dreaming, but at the same time she is the dream. Overall, I wanted to create a mysterious and esoteric mood in this work. There are compositional considerations that have gone into this piece. The overall piece is a wide-view landscape with an image superimpose on it. At this stage, I wanted to get a few variables balanced out: the solidity of the stone work versus the softness and the transparency of the girl (Yen & Yang). Also the composition is static in nature. To balance this out, I suggest movement in the clouds as well as movement with the girl’s hair.

The Dream:
I started drawing a composition I dreamt about. As soon as I dream up a composition, I have to draw it otherwise I’ll forget the composition. I ‘ve had been thinking about a composition concerning Stonehenge for awhile so when I had this inspiration I immediately started drawing and researching the pieces to the puzzle. When I I’m working with a composition I have dreamt or have a real fuzzy idea about it, I often time go thru a lot of drawing , most of which goes in the trash! I have thrown this drawing in the garbage a few times and re-opened it and started drawing on it again, which is why it looks so wrinkled . For some artist everything come to them "Alla Prima". This is my forth attempt, so much for "Alla Prima"…

The Drawing:
In the large area I wanted Stonehenge completely visible as a esoteric and historical backdrop to set the theme and mood for the composition, but I also wanted the druid to be the main player in this composition . I want her to be waking up from a dream in front of Stonehenge. The issues so far have been the following: the girl ‘ s face and expression since I didn’t want her too old or too young ; I didn’t want her to look like a fashion model or a beautiful cover/ pinup girl; the nose since I didn’t want it to be too tiny and perfect; I added a slight space to her teeth. Of course she needs to appear Scottish, Irish or an English looking lassie so I will also add some freckles and she will definitely be a red head.

I felt that if the composition was to be credible, the stones had to be painted in a manner that they appeared realistic. I started painted the stones from left to right because I’m right handed. As I started painting each of the stones, I was struck by the uniqueness, grace and dignity that each of the stones possessed. I worked one stone at a time. It took me one to two days of painting, making sure I gave each of these stones the artistic attention they deserved.

When I paint, I like to think that each part of my painting is a mini stand alone painting that could be framed. You can see the quality and detail in each of these stones.

“Druid Dream” painted on 45”x 24” custom made oil primed Belgium linen panel. WIP By Alex Castro.(c)
Druid Dreams

Druid Dreams

“Druids Dreams,” is a composition of a young girl dreaming, but at the same time she is the dream. Overall, I wanted to create a mysterious and e Read More
