Book Cover:
I read the book 1984 by George Orwell. The cover shows the watchful eyes of "Big Brother" over the nation of Oceania. A small camera lense is added to symbolize the constant surveillance of the city's population. The book is rather dark and foreboding, which I captured with the black background and sketchy lines. I also chose to use a simple and more futuristic font to show that 1984 was the predicted future at the time it was written.
Informational Graphic:
This graphic compares the distances of Mickey Mantle's 10 longest home run hits. The baseballs are numbered; 1 being the longest home run hit. I chose to show the different general directions they were hit along with the distances. Most of the distances are projected as if the ball continued it's course instead of hitting the stands. I also included the date, stadium, opponent, and pitcher at the time of each hit.
Movie Poster:
Apocalypse Now is the film adaption based on the novel Heart of Darkness. The U.S. Army special operations officer Captain Benjamin L. Willard (Sheen) is given the mission to kill the renegade and presumed insane U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel Walter E. Kurtz (Brando). As the boat’s crew travel farther up river, they continue to grow more insane. When they finally reach Kurtz he has amassed a large population of natives who worship him. In my poster I show the boat heading upstream into a dark and foreboding place. I also show some of the natives lined up on the path lurking in the tree line. I chose to have a fiery sky and red sketched title to symbolize the dangers of the quest.


These are graphics of a chosen book, movie, and sport
