Service and Technology Course
Are you Game? was developed at the culmination of a ten week Service Design course at the Savannah College of Art and Design. The course challenged our team to explore enabling technologies that are used to implement and support services.
Creative Workshop
Our team participated in a crestive workshop to expand out thinking and prepare us to create an innovative game. The workshop emphasized ideas such as cognitive dissonance, energizing activities, role reversal, changing perspectives, sensory exposure and team work.
Supporting Resources
Our team study concepts from key text references. M: Information Systems by Baltzan and Service Management and Marketing by Gronroos. From these resources we built a strong foundation to understand the interconnectivity of services and technologies. The Actor-Network Theory developed by Michael Callon, Bruno Latour and John Law explains how networks are built, assembled and maintained. It describes the interplay of social-technical dynamics that influence the service system.
For who did we design for?
Are you game? was designed for a broad community of professionals, creatives and designers who are united through the need to innovate. Through the experience of participating in Are you Game? a community of users who understand the dynamic at play within the network of services and technology will form.
The World Needs Rethinking
Today, the largest challenges facing society require innovative thinkers who have the ability to embrace new solutions and break free from assumptions. To target innovation, we know that collaboration is necessary.  Our game, inspires players to build ideas together.
The Game
How to play
Write down a service or technology and trade
Grab the touchpoint to begin
Select a card
Ask a yes or no question

If the answer is yes, ask another 
If the answer is no, pass the ball
Record and map your answers
Place the touchpoint on the table to guess your word
The first person to guess correctly wins the game!
Are you Game?

Are you Game?

A game for service designers and professionals to learn how to ask right questions as they discover service offerings and technology.
