Anthony Wilbourne's profile

EDU - Brews Bros. Espresso - Ads

These designs were part of a final project for a university course.  I was assigned to pick a local coffee shop or bar and develop an ad campaign for it.  I chose Brews Brothers Espresso because I couldn't find any promotional material on it.  This was perfect because it allowed me to start from the ground up.  To create a whole new identity for the company.  While researching Brews Brothers, I spent some time in the store.  I sat back and observed everything.  I tried to determine how the store might've differed from--say--Starbucks.  A couple of things I noticed were the store's decoration and customers' conduct.  It had board games on the shelves, paintings from local artists on the walls and a dark vintage table that looked as though it came from a yard sale.  The customers seemed relaxed.  They hung out and chatted with the server after getting their food.  Nobody seemed rushed or cold.  So, I decided to focus on themes of individuality and self-expression.  To unify the designs, I included a logo--one of the store's actual coffee cups--in the lower-right corners.


Original reduced to this: 472px x 700px (300ppi); 100% Quality; Progressive. 

Original reduced to this: 472px x 700px (300ppi); 100% Quality; Progressive. 

Original reduced to this: 472px x 700px (300ppi); 100% Quality; Progressive. 
EDU - Brews Bros. Espresso - Ads


EDU - Brews Bros. Espresso - Ads

Please refer to the description on the left.
