Have we reached the end of History?
The End examines the question whether a linear process exists in the evolution of political systems, and whether it’s final stage has been reached in the form of liberal democracy.
This project revisits the revolutionary question posed in “The End of History?,” an article written by Francis Fukuyama, in the winter of 1988, shortly before the wall came down. The piece marks the end of a significant chapter in human history, and has become an important milestone in political science. It also started an ongoing dialogue, which now, twenty-five years later, raises more questions to revisit and reflect on.
This book is about ideas humans formulated, in order to understand the world. The systems we create inherit characteristics and imperfections of our nature. The views portrayed in this piece don’t converge to right, or wrong, but carry different perspectives that might help completing a bigger picture. Eventually, you decide to take your stance, which could also be not to take any.
The End also expands beyond the form of the book; into posters, and an interactive spatial piece which create a more immersive experience. 
The End

The End

Have we reached the end of History? The End examines the question whether a linear process exists in the evolution of political systems, and whe Read More
