In My Element - identity and tag design for bowties and long ties - brand is "unique and ahead of his time" - 
James Dean - "Cool", "Rebel", "Icon", "Retro" are examples of the types of words used on the labels - 
example of how tags fold over the tie to reveal each word
In My Element - identity versions and metallic versions in copper, silver, gold, and platinum

In My Element - identity color formulas
In My Element - words sewn on tie fronts
In My Element - identity and tag design for bowties and long ties - brand is "unique and ahead of his time" - James Dean - "Cool", "Rebel", "Icon", "Retro" are examples of the types of words used on the labels - tags would be in metallic thread of bronze, silver, gold and platinum

In My Element - identity and tag design for bowties and long ties - brand is "unique and ahead of his time" - 
James Dean - "Cool", "Rebel", "Icon", "Retro" are examples of the types of words used on the labels - 
example of how tags fold over the tie to reveal each word

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In My Element


In My Element

In My Element is an entrepreneurship project to brand different levels of couture ties.
