David Wall's profile

T-Mobile store redesign

T-Mobile Case study: Increase conversion for the online shopping experience. 

I worked for T-Mobile during the  AT&T acquisition attempt. Once we realized that the acquisition wasn't going to proceed, we began to look for ways to improve upper funnel conversion in our online store. My immediate instinct was to engage the wow factor of each device. 

Our images were, at the time, more lifestyle based and included small thumbnails. The logic behind the decisions to keep them as thumbnails was that we could show more product above the fold on the desktop.  It was my belief that the devices had gone beyond mere utility and actually were much more personal items. That larger photos would be more engaging for the user and drive the desire factor of our users. I also did some research that indicated that scrolling was not quite the problem it had once been. With the edition of smart phones, people had grown used to scrolling for information. Now users were scanning. This means that the bigger images would be easier to consume for our end users.

When I designed the phone listing, we wanted to allow the user on the device rather than requiring us to create a single detail page for each color a specific device was available in. The price points were also dynamic so if color "A" was more than color "B", the list item could show that. This cut down on how much we had to list which minimized scrolling for specific products. The end result was that we were able to communicate much more information to the user in a smaller space.  Now, instead of listing each device separate and explaining that the only difference for a particular model might be that the color was a limited edition...We could show all the product varieties in the same space and communicate those differences in a way that was less confusing to our user. This meant the end user could browse more selection options without having to either scroll down our page or tab through pagination.

Each detail page also had this functionality but included large lifestyle images that brought the product to life for the users. They could see the product in a way that would help them to imagine using it. Reviews, Q&A, were also available on the same page and so the user could simultaneously envision the product they were interested in, and sort through product reviews from other people that owned the product. We created feature lists and made the whole page more of a device focused landing point than simply a product detail. This trended so well that we went back and incorporated some of that same functionality on the list view. 

The re-design was probably the largest task I accomplished during my time with T-mobile. It was a project I initiated based on conversations I had with marketing about driving user aggregation post acquisition.  I designed a template and high level wire frame based on what we were getting back on user data for marketing landing pages.  I intended to incorporate the same type of functionality in to the list and detail page within the online store. The marketing team saw the designs and reached out to me and asked if I could complete the concept and drive the re-design. While the visual pieces have continued to evolve from the time I worked on the project, the underlying architecture still defines the design. 

TMOBILE has since modified the tabbed pages and converted the content to a single targeted scrolling page that locks to anchor points. The lion share of the underlying UX structure is still the same one I created nearly 10 years back. Some of the patterns have evolved and spread to other areas within the online experience, however, I believe that to be a testament to the success of the original design coupled with the evolution of web experience over the last ten years.
Landing page: It has evolved to a single page. However, the landing page concept has remained.Though visually different - the structure has remained largely the same.

My Role: UX Architect for initial re-design of T-Mobile store. Below image was screen shot from 2016 - the visual design is not mine and the image is simply to demonstrate the improved UX architecture I was involved with creating.
Sample design of Video Thumbnails for video page.
This is a conceptual exploration of grid layout
Link treatment exploration
T-Mobile store redesign

T-Mobile store redesign

Re-design of the list and detail pages for T-Mobile store front
