Emerging from a thick blanket of fog that engulfed the perimeter of Death Valley National Park, a couple of birds soared above the peaceful layers of mountains below.Though the sky created an aura of mystery and blindness, both the birds and mountains found comfort and love in their families on this Valentine's Day.

After winding around a road to find the perfect vantage point of these foggy, layered mountains, I took two photos with my Nikon D600 and 70-200mm lens to capture the mountain as the fog rolled by and to freeze the birds in the sky above. Using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, I converted the photos to black and white, hand blended the two photos together, and added a bit of contrast and detail to the mountain.

I attempted to capture the cloud of emotions experienced on Valentine's day and recreate the harmony present in nature even on the days with perhaps the gloomiest weather.
Love + Death

Love + Death

Emerging from a thick blanket of fog that engulfed the perimeter of Death Valley National Park, a couple of birds soared above the peaceful layer Read More
