except a father… friends… a dream
‘Nothing is Lost’ is a gritty realistic novel about 15 year old Micky, who is struggling to find her identity. She longs to find her rock guitarist father. Her best friend Fin wants to escape an unstable violent past. Micky meets her father but he is elusive and unreliable. When her father’s world and Fin’s collide, the result is both violence and loss. How can she know who to trust? Her loyalty is questioned – but to whom? Fin? Her mother? Her father? Her dream?
If you would like to read the story you can order it here
Earlier this year I was approached by Jay Prior, a young adult novel writer. She was looking for someone to design the book cover for her first novel. I felt that writing and publishing your work for the first time must be an exciting but also daunting project. One of my main aims with this project was to make the author feel that the cover reflected the story in a way that she felt comfortable. Since the book is available as Paperback or Kindle edition I wanted to keep it simple and cost effective with impact even when scaled down to a small image
initial concept idea

Nothing is Lost

Nothing is Lost

book cover design for a first time young adult novel writer
