The Black Cadejo
During freshman year in art school, I took a class called Truth and Fiction which was more or less a class that involved reading and writing both pieces that were based on real experiences as well as fiction. Our final project involved contributing to a book that would be created based on our projects. I chose to create a six page comic based the El Salvadoran legend of the black cadejo which is one of two dog-like spirits but this one is evil and murderous and will kill unsuspecting victims.
Big & Small (No Word)
This comic was the second one created for the comics class I took during sophomore year in art school. The prompt was to develop a story along with the comic where we weren't allowed to use text of any kind. The story is of a astronomer that discovers an incoming meteor and tries to call his local super hero for help with less than helpful results.
Kidnapping? (Journey)
In this comic, we needed to showcase a journey from beginning to end. The story focuses on two girls who find out their friend has been abducted by the demon king. They travel to underworld to rescue her but are astounded by what they find. We also needed to expierament with panel shapes and sizes and how they transition into each other.


Comics are a huge passion of mine and I've been lucky enough to take a class while in art school on developing comics further. I do plan on makin Read More


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