The following rally took place in Coburg Australia. It was originally planned as a peaceful anti-racism rally. A right-winged counter rally was then organized at a reserve nearby.
The far left and far right groups came together and they played a game of cat and mouse with each other for the next couple of hours. 
Both sides wore masks. Both sides were violent. Both sides abused the police. Both sides lost their original message.
Police in riot gear formed up early near the right winged groups, True Blue Crew (TBC) and United Patriots Front (UPF).
A group from the anti-racism rally approached the right winged counter rally where they met with a police line.
The TBC and UPF used their flag poles as weapons. both sides also continued to attack people that were on the ground.
The police used capsicum spray to break up the fights.
TBC/UPF using iced coffee to wash out their eyes.
After the first clash, the police reinforced their lines, but to no avail.
The violence spilled over into a school yard when the groups found another way around the police lines.
A memeber of the TBC throwing a can of tomatoes at police.
People took refuge inside a local cafe. Other businesses didn't open and lost a substantial amount of income.
Police chase down a protester from the anti-racism group as he runs towards the right wing group.
The True Blue Crew used the  Australian flag as their symbol.
A make shift aid station. The people here got violent with nay news or camera crew that tried to document the good work they were doing by helping those who had been injured. They also felt the need to cover their faces.
The only peaceful photograph. This man had no issues having his face associated with a cause.
Coburg Riot

Coburg Riot

This was what I documented at a recent rally turned riot in Melbourne.
