This was the final project of year two on our degree. It was a self directed project in which we had to design our own brief. I choose to create a response based upon the word obstacle ' a thing(s) that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress'.  Whilst researching into obstacles there were many paths that I could have chosen leaving my topic with a wide range of responses. I watched a documentary based upon decision making and how our cognitive biases work. This inspired me to research further into 'Daniel Kahnemens' work and theories. 
'Daniel Kahnemen' suggests that our brain has two processes in the human brains method of decision making. System one and System two (fictitious terms). System one is a fast thinking process that allows us to work out quick decisions such as 2+2 or when to emergency stop a car. System two sits in the background and when Systems one's model view of the world is disrupted System two jumps in helping out using previous experiences.
I created a typographic response based upon this knowledge I have gained, I used one word suited to each system to describe them individually. Serendipity is 'the chance occurence of events in a beneficial way' I used this word as to me its representative of System two drawing upon previous experiences.
Ephemeral was my chosen word for System one. Ephemeral means 'lasting for a very short time' which was perfect for the representation of System one. System one is a very fast process and therefore does last a very short period of time.
This is System ones poster for the exhibition at the Beecroft gallery, It is screen printed and will be displayed next to an informative poster.
This is System twos poster which will also be acompanied with an informative poster.


This is a self directed brief based upon decision making inspired by Daniel Kahneman.
