Aya Kraimer's profile

Playing Card Project

First things first.
When I think of the number 3, I think of a triangle. 
When I think of the symbol for the clubs, I think of a tree. 
I knew that somehow I had to incorporate both trees and a triangle, but I didn't want it to be boring. I didn't want to just plop down a tree with a triangular trunk or something. Instead, I thought of the way a playing card works and how you can look at the card both upside down and right side up and still know what it is. I wanted to include this idea in my design so I created a not-boring triangle where each point was the tree trunk. This way, I could keep the idea consistent as you turn the card by inverting the trees. Once I finished situating the trees, I found that the card looked bare. One mental trip to my mom's garden and I came up with a solution. I would give the trees roots. 
Every time I think of my card, I think of the celery growing in the kitchen. It's been growing without roots. My mom wants to transition the plant to her garden but can't because the celery is lacking roots. All it's been doing was absorbing water. Even though my card is just one out of the whole deck, it's still special...at least to me. I wanted to make the card my own. I wanted to give it life through my own. I designed the 3 of clubs out of my story. I designed the concept around the celery in the kitchen. The plant is sitting in the water growing just fine, but I feel as though it's dying because it doesn't have roots.
My house is chaos right now. My mom is obsessing over the plant. Google is her friend now as she is searching the depths of the internet trying to find a solution. I know it will die in the end. Sooner or later, I know the chaos will end. But I want to remember the chaos. I want to remember the struggle of the roots. The majestic celery may be green but it will forever be painted purple because it's so special and important. It means so much to my mom. Even so, I created the tangling, black roots in front of the trees to show that the chaos was even greater. It overpowered the celery. 
I don't know what will end up happening to the celery, but I do know that my card will forever paint the image of the chaos because that's what I found most interesting. The celery was cool and all, but watching my mom obsess over this tiny plant makes my day...everyday.
Playing Card Project

Playing Card Project

3 of Clubs
