Mike Priaro's profile


                                                                                  "RATTY II"
                                       - a classic, traditional wooden row boat or yacht tender.
Classic, traditional, wooden row boat or yacht tender.  Length, 10-ft, 0-in;  Beam, 4-ft, 0-in;  Weight, 105-lbs.  Holds two adults or one adult and two children.  Red cedar lapstrake construction.  Mahogany stem and transom.  White oak ribs.  Red cedar thwarts.  Douglas fir/mahogany/walnut oars.  Bronze oarlocks.  Square-cut copper clench nails and silicon bronze rivets with copper roves.  Marine paint and spar varnish throughout.  Minimal epoxy and Sikaflex as required by good engineering.  Can slide into back of Suburban with 3rd row seating removed and with tailgate and rear window down.
Hand-built, museum-quality craftsmanship, faithful to original in all essential respects.  Never in water. 
Ratty II is a faithful scratch-built copy of Ratty I, an old row boat found at a Midland, Ontario marina on Georgian Bay of Lake Huron.  Mike loaded it onto the roof of his Suburban and hauled it 2,000 miles to Calgary where he restored it to row on Calgary's Glenmore Reservoir.
Mike has a yellow cedar (Cupressus nootkatensis) keel hanging in his garage ready for Ratty III, a sailing dinghy version with dagger board, rudder, floorboards, floatation, and unstayed forward mast.
That is, after Mike finishes restoration of the 1956 15 1/2-foot Lyman wooden runabout with 25-hp Johnson in his garage.
After those projects there may be a restoration or duplication of an Herreshoff 12 1/2, perhaps the most beautiful sailboat ever, or a new build of a Haven 12 1/2, a dagger-board version of the full keel Herreshoff.
For further info contact mpriaro@telus.net
RATTY II  wooden rowboat
1956 Lyman 15 1/2  wooden runabout