Thoracius Appotite's profile

Two-Day Pirogue Build and Voyage

My boat design owes a lot to the "Lazy Weekend Canoe" and "Bateau Cheap Canoe" projects for inspiration, and Jack Rees for loaning me tools and letting me build in his yard.  Built in two days, painted on the third, and on the fourth set sail from Omaha to Kansas City via the Missouri River.
Day 1: Lumber and hardware store, basic shapes cut and glued to make a 14" long boat out of one 8x4 sheet of plywood.
Day 2: Everything glued. I have a boat.
Day 3: Primered and painted.
Day 4: Moment of truth.  It floats!  Elegant paint job very quickly spoiled by the Muddy Mo.
One week of canoe/camping adventure. Distance traveled: 363 miles (584km).
Two-Day Pirogue Build and Voyage

Two-Day Pirogue Build and Voyage

A pirogue is a type of slender canoe. Built in two days, painted on the third, and set off down down the Muddy Mo from Omaha to Kansas City on th Read More


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