Breast Care Center
Student Project, 2009
The Newport Beach Breast Care Center is a medical facility and wellness center for women. The medical facility performs mammograms, ultrasound scans and MRI's. The wellness center offers counseling and nutritional products.

"We are stronger than stone... yet more fragile than a rose." ~ Turkish Proverb
Human life is very fragile. The mind, body and spirit, however, are resilient - often stronger than diseases the body may be subjected to. For many women, going to a breast care center can be unnerving. For many women, it is a place they prefer to avoid. The spacial design takes takes this into account, providing subtle distractions. The architecture is used as a metaphor to ease the mind - glass is an easily breakable and fragile object, yet is the the supporting structure for heavier objects.
Breast Care Center

Breast Care Center

Student work.
