Week 1: On our first week we got our brief for the next project, the teachers explained to us the basic knowledge to use Arduino.
We used a set of codes to turn an LED on.
Week 2: On our second week we added a light sensor to the breadboard and we learned how to use it, which give us a little push to start creating our own concepts
Week 3: On week three I started working on my concepts and what I wanted to aim with this project. Had couple ideas which involved: LED, temperature sensors and sound sensors.
Week 4: 
For week four I decided that my concept was to make “The Angry Box”, which would react to things that humans do. This box was meant to be sensible to sound and get angry when people were being loud and annoying.
The idea was for the box to turn red then there was too much noise in the atmosphere.
Trying the codes to see if it works!
Final board:
Arduino Development

Arduino Development

Learning how to create experiences thoroug the use of the program Arduino.


Creative Fields