Problem statement:
- For the past Axe brand get the reward of the highest marketing for overall products of Unilever company.
Axe advertisement make the different among another competitor brand and get the reward of creative ads every years.
 For now, Axe try to reach first initial teenager targets by promoting on social media but the problem of Axe company is the target feels that the brand is too expensive, which our target is teenager that can’t earn money by themselves. 
Product extension:
Our purpose: to make the target feel that it worth to buy, not afraid to pick up and suit to all teenage boys.
 So, Axe may have to use extension strategy which is brand portfolio extension(upward).
This can permit consumer variety seeking or provide consumer more choice for them to be able to buy the brand in lower price. Also, it help revitalize the parent brand to have more attractive. Axe have many product line such as
perfume, shower gel, deodorant, an2-perspirant, shave gel, face wash and wax.
- As product of Axe line it cover all product for men. So, we going to do same product line but the price will become cheaper to attract young people and be able to pay the product, which the name of product will be “Tomahawk” same meaning as Axe but feeling more stronger. The package will change to save cost of producton, which will use plastic instead of aluminum and the color and other elements will change too. The ingredient or the smell in all new product line will be the same. 
AXE brand extension

AXE brand extension

Problem statement: - For the past Axe brand get the reward of the highest marketing for overall products of Unilever company. Axe advertisement m Read More
