My Dad used to pull over and let me save turtles from the road.
I used the M and W from my name as the legs.
This project is close to my heart and represents the sloways of life. 
Crochet rag rugs.
During a winter semester of college, I could not afford yarn so cut up all our old sheets to make theses rugs. I traded them to people for items such as home made laundry soap. Still thanking you very much soap lady!
I searched my house for anything to make and sell for extra money.
Use what you got kinda thing. I had lots of silicone molds left over from my soap making days. My husband is a mason and had cement and sand. I decided to pour cement in the molds and made all kinds of candle holders and magnets. 
My new love...3D printing.
Formed a cute little turtle planter from playdough. The turtle was scanned into a computer and printed out with plastic. The green is the original and the cream is the plastic. I love how many different items from shoes to replacement boat handles can be printed. 
My first paper mache item.
I made this display for a graphic and web design show instead of designing a poster. It is like being the stair builder for a stage production. Maybe not as noticed as the actors but equally as important. It was nice to step away from the computer and get mt hands dirty.


Projects done slow and steady
