The Seawolf
 This illustration was based on a common story from many Pacific Northwest Native American cultures, that of the Seawolf. The Seawolf is supposed to be a great creature, half orca and half wolf, capable of shapeshifting into any form it so desires, often turning human. It was quite feared. I wanted to re-imagine this creature, just emerging from the water somewhere along the foggy Pacific Northwest coastline as it completes its transformation into a beautiful woman. I love this area of the country and all the culture and history that goes into it, so putting that all together to create the mood, look, and feel to a piece was quite enjoyable for me.
This was sketched in pencil, inked in Micron pens, scanned in, and coloured in Adobe Photoshop.
The Seawolf

The Seawolf

My personal re-imagining of the Pacific Northwest mythical creature, the Seawolf.
