Reebok Cut
Reebok Crosstrainer
A newly designed Reebok Crosstrainer, this shoe focuses on creating a system for better traction while the user is running on a surface other that pavement. When running sprints on grass and cutting sharply to change direction there is a high chance of losing traction and falling when you are wearing shoes that don't have some type of cleat system on the sole. Designing a sole that would give a system for traction while doing these type of activities while at the same time being completely functional when on pavement or while in the gym became the challenge.
What I eventually came up with was a sole that acted like a "Fish Scale." Smooth in one direction, and abrasive in the opposite. Making an angled cut into the sole would create a square pattern with one corner lower that the other. When the user cuts sharply, the higher corner would be exaggerated creating a cleat and giving traction when the user needs it most.
Reebok Cut

Reebok Cut

A crosstrainer designed to give the user better traction when running on adverse terrain.
