Pascal Bünning | photo &postproduction
Sofia Kuzmina | model
Esra Altintop | design & concept

Schaufensterfiguren Moch, Köln | Sponsoring 
Did you know that the white shirt isn’tonly a garment, but also a culture? And that it was a sign of prosperity?

The white shirt is one of the mostprimal garments which changed up intensely to the present day. Over the timethe classic shirt with collar, button front, yoke and cuff developed. They saythat the shirt has become a sign of life.
But are we ready to change our sign oflife?

Are we ready to bring two differentthings together?

Changing of the usual, the classical.

A fresh interpretation.

Creating of a new lifestyle, of acompletely new culture.

A new life.

A life where different things cometogether.

The shirt as a skirt…?



first semester work


Creative Fields