Ieva Timosko's profile

Pro Life installation

Every day in Latvia the decision is made to kill about 27 unborn children, just like me. Each one of us wanted the gift that was given to you – the chance to live. But my mummy, daddy, grandmum and others around them had the right to make a different decision; each one of them had a significant and important reason to destroy us. Do you agree?
To invite people to consider if the decision to kill the one who pleads for life is truly our right.
Present 27 reasonings for abortion (given by real women who have turned to the Crisis Pregnancy Center for help) through an unborn child's voice. This way no particular viewpoint or judgement is presented or pressured and allows spectators to choose for themselves whether the reason justifies the action of abortion.
Grey concrete was chosen as main material to convey the message of aborted children being invisible to passers-by. 
"My daddy left my mummy when she told him that I want to live. Dad said: “It’s your child, do what you want. I’m not involved.” 
"My mummy was only 16 years old when she became pregnant. Her boarding school teacher took her to have an abortion without telling her parents. She was threatened with expulsion from school and told “Your parents would be ashamed of you.”
"My mummy and daddy wanted to continue their university studies. After that they wanted to get good jobs and earn a lot of money. There were other reasons why they said: “This isn’t the right time for children.” Their next three children also did not come at “the right time”. 
Throughout the 30 day period that the installation was public, people showed their attitude by placing flowers every single day. 
Pro Life installation

Pro Life installation

This Campaign for Life invites the people of Latvia to consider if the decision to kill the one who pleads for life is truly our right?! The reas Read More
