Hovr is a 3D Virtual Reality scavenger hunt that takes place in a futuristic city. Developed for the Oculus Rift, Hovr was part of a student-driven competition of game proposals for the end of the year Fuse Portfolio Show at Bradley. After being selected into the 5 projects funded by the Department, I was asked to be the projects Producer, and help the team create the best experience possible.
Creating a realistic virtual city is no easy task, and the team behind Hovr knows it. Creating the game in Unreal, our lead programmer and 3D modelers are working with almost no VR background to create realistic draw distance, as well as staple buildings to trick the user into believing the city is larger than it actually is.
Since being brought onto the team, I have helped narrow the game to a proper scope and lead the team in weekly stand-up meetings. After each general meeting I make sure each team lead knows exactly what they are tasked with in the upcoming week, leading to a pseudo-agile development track. In total, Hovr is an ambitious project that is only limited by the number of 3D modelers we have at our disposal.
Hovr - VR Game

Hovr - VR Game

Hovr is a Virtual Reality scavenger hunt, built for Bradley University's Fuse Portfolio Show 2016. Brought on as a Producer after the projects id Read More
