Jory Kusy's profile


Picture 1
Description: Toys in the Early Morning
Focused Subject: Toy Train
Distance from Camera: 4M
F-Stop: 5.6
ISO: 500
Focal Distance: 100mm
Tuffen Filter: Gold Diffusion / FX®7
I wanted this shot to seemed like an abandoned area with kids toys. Kind of like the shots you would see on a documentary. I wanted to make it seem like an early morning abandoned look. I think the shot looks great. The only thing I would have liked to add is to have dust fly around. 
Image 1: Non-Filter
Image 2: Filter Added
Picture 2
• Description: Dog sitting near flowers
• Focused Subject: Dog
• Distance from Camera: 2M
• ND Filter: 0.6
• F-Stop: 7.4
• ISO: 800
• Focal Distance: 50mm
• Tuffen Filter: Shadows 23A Light Red
I decided to use my dog as a subject for this image. I wanted to see how the image would be if I filmed in a shaded area and make it seem like the sun is hitting her. I am happy how this image turned out. 

Image 1: Non-Filter
Image 2: Filter Added

Picture 3
• Description: Park
• Focused Subject: Tree on Left
• Distance from Camera: 5M
• F-Stop: 4
• ISO: 500
• Focal Distance: 18mm
• Tuffen Filter: Enhancing Green 10
There was this park I found recently that I wanted to check out. It looks great. Most of the parks are fields with less trees around. This park seemed a lot different than most of the parks in the area. It also worked since I was taking this when close to “Golden Hour”. 

Image 1: Non-Filter
Image 2: Filter Added
Picture 4
• Description: Self Portrait
• Focused Subject: Myself
• Distance from Camera: 7M
• F-Stop: 4
• ISO: 500
• Focal Distance: 150mm
• Tuffen Filter: Shadows - CC50M
I found a location when I was on my way back from the park in Picture 3. I decided it would be a good background. The problem I found was the shadows on my face. I knew there was shadows on my shirt, but wasn't aware until import of my face. I did like the filter I chose. It makes for a nice country look. 
Image 1: Non-Filter
Image 2: Filter Added


Project for class.


Creative Fields