Abdallah Abdelwahab's profile

Schweppes MythBusters

Back in Sep. 2015, Schweppes Egypt's page was stagnant, with no signs of engagement. I was briefed to develop a new line of communication that prompts interaction, aligning with Schweppes’s identity and linking to the brand’s essence illustrated throughout the last years. 
Emphasising on Schweppes’s famous unravelable secret, Schweppes new line of communication worked on unravelling all the other confusing secrets that people encounter all the time. This was executed through visuals that feature the product and captions that explain the truth behind each myth linking it all to Schweppes’s secret. 
Agency: MO4 Network
Director of Creative Strategy: Amr Younis
Creative Direction: Abdallah M. Abdel-Wahab
Account Manager: Ranya Oweida, Aya Haddad
Client Handler: Leena Elmasry
Photography & Production: MO4 Productions
* Thanks to Ganna Hesham for helping with this project's layout design.
Schweppes MythBusters

Schweppes MythBusters

Emphasising on Schweppes’s famous unravelable secret, Schweppes unravelled all the other confusing secrets that people encounter all the time.
