illustration // poster // website // zine
Savannah, GA – 2016
Feminism is a movement towards equal society for male, female and transgender people, without discrimination. It praise for people being able to live without fear, being independent and respected. According to United Nations Organization, 7 in each 10 women in the world had su er some type of violence, in which is included all forms of violence, from verbal to death. And one of the reasons women are still struggling with feminicidio in 2016 is because of sexism. 
This project aims to bring girls from 16 to 29 years closer to feminism. To give information and empower those girls, while demystifying and breaking stereotypes against the feminism. It’s one of the “Blooming” project goals to create a safe environment to girls interact and share their experience. For this project, I came up with tree delivarables: a series of poster to be displayed at school/colleges and public places, a microsite that contain information about feminism and a space to join the project and receive a half done journal. The idea was to create a way to girls interact with one another and be supported by someone that might be going through the same insecurances as she is.
blooming project

blooming project

Studio II class project at SCAD
