On Mar 7, 2015, at 66 degrees north latitude 25 degrees east longitude,
I looked up at the starlit sky.
From Big Bang to black hole and from chaos to today,
I who was always curious about vast galaxy began to rethink the profound meaning of light and time in the universe where we lived.
In the process of study, the relation between Möbius strip and Milky Way was found,
and both images implied the concept “infinity”,
which were exactly as light and time.
This lighting work combines the concepts of Möbius strip and galaxy
and is designed to communicate the eternity and infinity of time
and initiate people’s meditation.
An annotated view of the “twiwst” of the galactic center as seen by the Herschel telescope .
Birkeland currents twist together two ends of a Möbius strip located at the center of our galaxy, to form the galaxy's double layer plasma torus.


It's a levitating light which hovers by magnetic levitation and is powered throughg the air.
Power:  Inductive Charging
Lighting:  inert gas — helium— one of the main gas on Jupiter
Generat infrasonic wave to make people feel mysterious and marvelous
material: optical fiber & glass

Thank You !


Mobius Galaxy

Mobius Galaxy

This lighting work combines the concepts of Möbius strip and galaxy and is designed to communicate the eternity and infinity of time and initiate Read More
