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Disney Imaginations Design Competition Project

Overview of the project
Time Express is a theme park where guests can use a special port to travel through time. This Time Port is the central place where millions of travelers can journey through time and space. Guests will be required to go through a strict procedure in order to use the time capsule.
Time Express is also a mobile theme park with swappable stories / themes. This experience is designed to deliver the multiple journeys through time to all guests. Each tour can deliver different yet continuous stories and themes. The concept of traveling through time and space will provide consistent time traveling experiences regardless of which story comes next. Guests will wait for the next tour wondering about the upcoming stories and themes. Time Express will be a good incubator and a testing ground for new compelling stories of Disney.
The first journey of the Time Express will be to “Purple Smith”, a steam punk town in early 20th century England. It is the time in which Eden Purple, who invented the Dinger device that becomes the core device of the time machine,lives.

Time Express
In these stories, time travel is commercialized. Everybody can travel to any time and any place through the time port. Guests will enter the theme park through the time port. And the time capsule will take the guests into different times and places. In the capsule, guests can experience a realistic and fantastic feeling of traveling through time. Guests should wear time bands to prove themselves as time travelers. In addition,guests will also wear illusion robes to conceal their identities from the worlds they enter. We believe these items will give guests a unique feeling of time travel.
Time port (mobile time traveling facility of Time Express)

This is the central port that millions of time travelers use to travel through times and places. Guests will be required to go through a strict procedure in order to use the time capsule.
Time Capsule (actual time travelling vehicle)
It has two doors, a few screens and a projection device inside. When a guest enters the capsule, all doors will be closed and various time traveling graphic effects will be projected. Then the door will be opened to the final destination.
Illusion Robe (camouflage costume)
To conceal their identities from the worlds they enter, time travelers should wear illusion robes that can appear as generic costumes of the time period. Actually, it’s just a vinyl robe.
Time band (Time traveling support device)
This device gives the guest the identity of a time traveler. Each time traveler will be able to recognize other time travelers with this device. Guests can get messages from the time traveling agency about any special events and quests.

Guest experience at "Purple Smith" village 
Purple,who invented the Dinger device that becomes the core device of time machine, lives. Experience design in the Purple Smith is concentrated on three dimensional projection technology combined with physical themed elements. For example, in Eden’s laboratory, the science exhibition includes a virtual reality mini game. This requires 3-4 guests’ collaboration to properly operate a virtual machine. In the Mathew’s Metal Tent, there will be a game interaction. Using a three dimensional projection mapping, the guests need to fight off a gigantic dragon machine which will be projected on the wall. Each guest will be given a laser gun to shoot at the dragon while having to move to right and left side of the floor to dodge the fire from the dragon. The experience will be a four dimensional experience where the floor will be shaken and tilted according to the dragon’s stepping. Hot air sprays will be used to give the feeling of the dragon’s fire breathing. 

Disney Imaginations Design Competition Project

Disney Imaginations Design Competition Project

The project was conceived by the [ Carnegie Mellon University, Creative Well ] Team and created for the [ 2016 ] Walt Disney Imagineering’s Imagi Read More


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