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The Great War Infographic

To read about the people in the photos go to the following link to download an interactive infographic:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7vskyw31nQIcklNWWxZcldQcjQ
Using Adobe Illustrator this screen shot shows how I laid out a map outlining where everything will go for the infographic.  This technique helps keep one focused and helps in the planning of how the graphics will be shown.
Adding more detail to the beginnings of the infographic.  The use of callouts the large circles on the map is useful for drawing attention to details that would be hard to see otherwise.  This method is also great for showing the viewer what the author feels is important for the viewer to understand what story is being told.
Creating a visual representation of the numbers of casualties during the war from each side to be used in the infographic.
The infographic almost complete using only Adobe Illustrator to make it.
The Final PDF screenshot of the finished infographic.  If you haven't downloaded the PDF please do so you can read the backstories of the people in the pictures.
The Great War Infographic

The Great War Infographic

I began this project as an exercise to give the reader a better perspective of the events leading up to The Great War also known as World War I. Read More
