Cover & sample inside pages
LinkedIn, being on the forefront of technology, wanted their code to be easy to navigate; this was accomplished by adding tabs across the header, which users could click to be taken to any particular section of the document. The tab of the section users are currently in is highlighted in blue. There were also forward and backward buttons added that are invisible until the user rolls over them.
In an effort to keep their code short but still include as much information as possible, rollovers were added to key phrases or words where users could see supplemental information easily.
The majority of their employee base skews young, so learning aids were created that reflected moderen technology and/or features of the LinkedIn website. This particular learning aid provided the user with a text conversation and options for how to respond. The options show in the phone screen on rollover, and when clicked, feedback is provided for review.
This learning aid is meant to mimic the InMail feature of LinkedIn (similar to email); users here decide whether or not the response is appropriate to send. They click on their choice and feedback is provided for review.
Full version of this document can be found here
LinkedIn Code

LinkedIn Code

LinkedIn code.
