Media: Plaster
Size: 48x24x15"
To construct my drummer boy, I started with a Styrofoam insulation armature and covered it in strips of plaster. In order to add some texture, wet plaster was flung at the structure. A strong sense of movement is portrayed through the position at which he is playing. Having a background in WGI Indoor Percussion activities, I have learned that performance is key. Because of this, I had the desire to convey the feeling of performing through a sculpture. Though his persona screams projection and openness, it can be displayed that even the stiffest and most awkward of people have enough emotion built up within to perform emotions. 
This piece was granted first place at an art show sponsored by Tri Kappa Sorority and GCHS Art Department.
Dedicated to Sean Widmer
Below is my thought process before I began the project.
Performance Mode

Performance Mode

Plaster Snare Drummer Sculpture


Creative Fields