Pieces of Mine
"I sat outside my front window--this story's going somewhere..."

My name is Julian Cruz and this is my online portfolio.  I'm that kind of person who just can't stick to one particular taste or style--I always find myself searching for more potential within myself and improving, so as to reach that next artistic level.  I love to learn about everything there is to the world and about myself, and I've learned that I can apply myself to reach any goal out there.  This portfolio represents the essence of me and what I've become over the years.

I hope you enjoy looking at my work!
Hot Chocolate Elf

This is a recreation of a drawing on notebook paper I drew for a friend years ago.  It marks my birth into the digital art realm--the first of many, many paintings to come.
Ocean of Fear

The title of this concept is rather deceiving.  Inspiration for this piece was from an episode of the show "Adventure Time", called "Fear of the Ocean", where the two main characters fall asleep upon a bed of anemone.
Baby Dino Cupcake Addict

Just a random idea I came up with.  The original concept was just supposed to be the dinosaur--but as I added drool for the finishing touch, a cupcake was randomly brought into the mix.
Red Hare Valkyrie

This is an illustration of an idea that I've had stuck in my head for weeks.  The concept for this is a futuristic, armored valkyrie with rabbit-like ears on her helmet.  I decided that she should be able to bound great heights or "fly".

Here she is, flying above a cascade of mountains, with her scarf flowing freely.
Piggy Corruption

This illustration was originally used for the "Animal Farm" book cover that I put together for a school project.  Later on, I used it in a logo design for a client's barbecue cook-off team logo.
Smokin' Butts BBQ Logo

This is the aforementioned barbeque team logo.
Panda Uppercut Logo

Just a random logo I created.  Also seen on the portfolio cover!
Apple Pi Logo

A logo that I designed for a friend, who works for Mojang.  It was for a bottled drink he was promoting.
Learning Frontiers Logo

This is a logo that I developed to help a client who was creating an educational video game.
Cruz Concepts Bumper

This is a short bumper I put together to promote my name and artwork.
Pieces of Mine

Pieces of Mine

This is my digital artwork. I excel at concept art and character design, and I love illustrating whatever is on my mind.
